Subject: |
Stanmer Village Parking Management |
Date of Meeting: |
19th January 2021 |
Report of: |
Executive Director Economy Environment and Culture |
Contact Officer: |
Name: |
Rob Dumbrill |
Tel: |
01273 293007 |
Email: | |
Ward(s) affected: |
Hollingdean and Stanmer |
1.1 The purpose of this report is to recommend the implementation of a private parking scheme to regulate parking in the village street at Stanmer Park to coincide with the approved Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the rest of the Park to avoid congestion and unauthorised parking.
2.1 That, having taken account of responses to the consultation, the
Committee approves the Stanmer Village Parking Management Scheme as detailed in Appendix 1 and plan Appendix 2
2.2 That the Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to make such minor changes to the scheme as he considers appropriate following consultation with the Stanmer Village residents and businesses.
2.3 That the Committee agree that the parking scheme be reviewed 18 months after implementation, in line with the scheduled review of the TRO, to consider how well it is working, with any recommendations for changes to the scheme to be presented in a report to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability (ETS) Committee within the TRO review report.
3.1 The ETS committee (29th September 2020) agreed that a TRO to charge for parking in Stanmer Park should be implemented. Stanmer village street, as a result of previous consultation with residents, is not included in the TRO. Both before and during the TRO consultation, residents raised concerns that charges elsewhere could result in park visitors parking their vehicles in the village street.
3.2 Meetings had previously taken place between council officers, members and village residents resulting in assurance that, if displacement parking became an issue, the introduction of a separate controlled parking scheme in the village street would be considered. The details of such a scheme needed to be discussed with residents and the proposed scheme brought back to the ETS Committee.
3.3 Committee agreed in September 2020 for officers to consult with residents and businesses located in Stanmer village street on a separate parking scheme for Stanmer village, and report back to the ETS Committee.
3.4 Following this decision, a formal consultation process was carried out with residents with an address of Stanmer Village which included those households and businesses/3rd sector organisations on the main village street and residents in the nearby Stanmer House Courtyard and Old Stable Block properties.
3.5 28 out of 36 of those questioned responded (approx 78%) with 21 (75% of responders) agreeing with the proposal for a scheme, 21 (61% of responses to the question) agreeing that business/organisation should also be included in the scheme.
3.6 The questionnaire is in appendix 3 and results summary in appendix 4.
3.7 If approved the scheme would be administered by Cityparks with existing staff and enforced through a private enforcement company, One Parking Solution who are contracted to the council through the Housing Department. The Council’s current contract with them began on 1 December 2019 and is a 4-year contract, with an optional extension of 1 additional year. This company has been managing the parking in the body of the park up to the implementation of the TRO.
3.8 10% of the value of PCNs is returned by One Parking as income to offset the cost of the housing officers time in setting up a parking scheme, giving advice to City Parks and managing the contract necessary for providing ongoing parking enforcement.
3.9 The parking enforcement is carried out at no cost to the council by way of a concessionary contract and the income from issued Parking Charge Notices (PCNs) goes to meet OPS’ costs in providing the enforcement and signage. OPS are accredited members of the British Parking Association’s (BPA) Approved Operators scheme and the elements of providing enforcement and issuing of PCNs are regulated by the BPA’s Code of Conduct.
3.10 The Council is the freeholder of the verges and roadways in Stanmer Park and that from a parking perspective, under the contractual enforcement type, this is treated as private land. Most of the roadways throughout the rest of the city are comprised of adopted public highway. When a road is adopted as public highway, the surface of the highway (or ‘zone of ordinary use’) is vested in the local highway authority so that the land can be used as highway.
3.9 Parking restrictions on public highways can only be enforced under traffic regulation orders, but contractual parking schemes can be used on Council-owned land. There is therefore a difference between public highway and land which the Council owns, which is not public highway.
3.10 Village residents and businesses will be able to register up to two vehicles subject to details in Appendix 1, which will allow free parking in the village street, proof of residential/business address will be required. They will be issued with up to two visitor passes which will also allow fee parking in the village street. If there is insufficient parking in the street residents/businesses and or their visitors will have to park in the nearby car parks which are free outside of charging hours.
3.11 There are approximately 50 spaces available in the village street which, with the public excluded from using them and different residents using the spaces at different times of the day and night, should accommodate the level of demand from eligible people. If additional spaces are required to accommodate more vehicles in the village a space at the north end of the village, where cars already park and subject to any planning regulations, or other demands could be extended and properly laid out to be funded through parking revenues.
3.12 The parking scheme will be reviewed after an 18 month period to establish the
usage and efficacy of the scheme. Any further amendments to the proposed level of charges will be reported back to this committee.
4.1 The lack of parking management would not allow any form of enforcement to restrict parking in the village street, potentially leading to lack of parking space and conflict between visitors, residents and businesses. Implementing a scheme after the TRO is operational would result in a significant delay to enforcement being in place.
5.1 There have been several meetings between residents, stakeholders, members and officers over the last 4 years where parking has been discussed, resulting in agreement to leave the village out of the TRO.
5.2 Following the ETS Committee meeting on 29th September 2020 a formal consultation was arranged. A written consultation paper (Appendix 3) was hand delivered to those properties with an address of Stanmer Village including households and businesses on the main street, residents in the nearby Stanmer House Courtyard and Old Stable Block. An overall 78% return rate has been achieved from residents and businesses; summary attached in appendix 4
5.3 Whilst during normal times a group meeting would have been arranged to involve all concerned, physical gatherings have not been possible due to Covid guidance. Therefore, an officer visited all households (maintaining Covid Protocols) who were known not to have internet meeting capability to explain the document and answer any queries. A separate online meeting was organised via the Stanmer Resident’s Association.
6.1 The TRO for Stanmer Park to manage parking and produce a revenue ring fenced for the park is likely to have the effect of displacing people not wishing to pay for parking to the nearest available free parking area which currently would be the village main street.
6.2 The results of the consultation show that there is majority support within Stanmer village residents and businesses for the implementation of the scheme set out in the recommendations.
6.3 Implementation of the proposed scheme will control unauthorised parking in the village street allowing the residents and businesses/organisations to continue to park there.
6.4 Implementation at the same time as the TRO is enacted will ensure we are manging those spaces in the village properly avoiding a hurried arrangement
Financial Implications:
As set out in paragraphs 3.7 to 3.9 of this report, the costs of implementing the proposed Stanmer Village Traffic Regulation Order will be delivered via a concessionary contract and be funded from the revenue raised from any parking charges generated and existing budgets (for example, officer time to administrate the scheme). It is noted that the scheme (and its financial implications) will be reviewed 18 months after implementation and the outcome brought back to this committee (recommendation, paragraph 2.3).
Finance Officer Consulted: Jess Laing Date: 09/12/2020
Legal Implications:
7.1 As set out in the report, the land which is the subject of the proposed parking management scheme is owned by the Council, rather than being public highway. This means the Council is able to implement a contractual parking scheme as proposed. The Council is required to act within its powers, rationally and reasonably and the consultation exercise that has been undertaken is a means of ensuring this. Having undertaken the consultation, the Council must consider and take the representations into account before making a decision.
Lawyer Consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date: 08/12/20
Equalities Implications:
7.2 The proposed scheme will improve access within the park where free parking for blue badge holders is available close to amenities adding to the designated spaces already provided in the rest of the Stanmer car parks.
7.3 Equality Impact Assessments are in place for this project. Stanmer Park Restoration Projects Members Working Group (MWG) provide an initial forum for issues related to Equalities and Accessibility to be raised, as and when required.
Sustainability Implications:
7.4 The council will continue to encourage residents and their visitors to use sustainable forms of travel to the park but most will continue to require vehicle access to the park
7.5 If as a result of the implementation of parking charges and the 18 month review we are able to provide improved and subsidised public transport facilities through those parking charges, this would mean residents would be able to benefit from this and reduce their own personal vehicle use.
Brexit Implications:
7.7 N/A
Risk and Opportunity Management implications
7.8 The project is aligned to council policy and uses the standard council risk register. Risk is assessed regularly. Members Working Group’s provide a further layer of project risk mitigation and stakeholder involvement, which can help ensure that opportunities and successful project outcomes are realised.
1. Village Parking Management Scheme Operation and Qualification
2. Village Parking Management Scheme Plan
3. Village Parking Management Scheme Questionnaire
4. Village Parking Management Scheme summary of results
Background Documents
1. Stanmer Park Traffic Regulation Order – report to ETS committee September 2020
2. Stanmer Park Traffic Regulation Order – report to ETS committee September 2020 Decisions